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Modern research has shown that Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may provide symptomatic relief from:


• Allergies - Asthma

• Anxiety

• Arthritis - Joint Problems

• Back Pain

• Bladder - Kidney Problems

• Body pains

• Childhood Illnesses

• Colds - Flu

• Cough - Bronchitis

• Depression

• Dizziness

• Drug Addiction

• Fatigue

• Frozen Shoulder

• Gastrointestinal Disorders - including nausea, diarrhea, and other pains

• Gynecological Disorders

• Headaches

• Heart Problems - Palpitations

• High Blood Pressure

• Hot Flashes

• Immune Deficiency

• Infertility - female and male

• Knee Pain

• Macular Degeneration

• Migraines

• Menopausal Symproms

• Neck Pain - Stiffness

• Paralysis - Numbness

• Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

• Rhinitis

• Sciatica

• Sexual Dysfunction

• Shoulder Pain

• Sinusitis

• Skin Problems

• Smoking cessation

• Stress - Tension

• Tendonitis

• Vision Problems


While the list is comprehensive it is not absolute. In the history of Chinese medicine there are many documented cases of diseases that do not fit the above reductionist modern medical system. If you have a particular concern you do not see above please feel free to contact me. 

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